"Hull at the centre of Wellbeing"
6th Annual NQT conference Feb. 15th, 2019
Supporting Professional Development for NQTs
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The principals of the conference were around the NHS 5 steps to Wellbeing;

  • Connect with colleagues
  • Get active
  • Keep learning
  • Give to other
  • Be mindful

We hope you enjoyed the conference. Details from the seminars appear below. If you have any further questions please do contact Paul Hopkins on p.hopkins@hull.ac.uk

Taking study further?
Masters in Pedagogy and Practice Mentoring Qualifications Journal Clubs for teachers
We have developed a Masters degree that is rooted in the work you do in your classrooms. This is aimed at teachers with 60 M level credits from their PGCE (or other) who want to progress and undertake research that impacts on their practice. Are you a mentor in school? or would you like to be? We are now offering mentoring qualifications to mentors in schools either as an internal certification or as part of a Masters Course leading into the MA(PP) There is a growing interest in looking at research and a growing demand that teachers are "research savvy" (Carter Review, Jan 2015) are you interesting in having a session at your school or would you like to start a journal club?
If you are interested in any of the above then please contact p.hopkins@hull.ac.uk for more details.
Planned Sessions
Morning Session

Prof Jonathan GLAZZARD
Leeds Beckett University

Primary / Secondary

Mental Heath in Schools

This presentation looked at the question on mental health in schools asking about the causes of MH issues in schools and the nature of social media and mental health.


The Health Team

Primary / Secondary

Building resilience: first aid

This session looked at how teachers can build resilience and explored teachers ideas and respones to building resilience.



Primary / Secondary

Give to others: Looked After Children

This session explored the expereince of education for CYPLA children covering the core concerns of the children and the impact on schools as well as the PD needs for those who teach these children.


Zhiling WANG

Primary / Secondary

Keep on Learning: Mandarin

This session helped us to understand what it is like to be the learner - to understands the stuggles or desirable difficulties of learning by introducing us to a very different learning experience..

Afternoon Session

Sophie JOHNSON &

Primary / Secondary

Look after yourself: Sports Team

This session looked at some ideas to support physical, and mental, wellbeing in children and in adults. A range of fun and stimulating activities for the classroom but also some core things to help teachers look after themselves.



Primary / Secondary

Give to others: Woof Woof!

Pet respect talking about animals inthe classrooms and the mindfulness effect of these (picture is Buddy).


Lecturer in Education

Primary / Secondary

Look after yourself: Can you hear me?

This session looked at some voice techniques to help you to look after your voice in the classroom. It looked at some ways to help you care for your voice and think about some gentle voice exercises to help lower you tone and pitch and avoid straining your voice - one of the teachers' greatest assets.

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