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Paul Hopkins has been engaged in a number of research projects. Reports on some of these are available below. He is also a peer reviewer for the British Journal of Religious Education and the Curriculum Journal.

Using VR to enhamce children's writing -

This project is exploring how the use of virtual reality (esp. the use of 360 immersive technology) can be used to enhance the experience of children's writing in primary schools - especially their use of descriptive writing.

Developing EFL literacy in Vietmanese Primary Teachers

This British Council project is exploring how digital techlogies can be used to enhance the English language abilites of primary school teachers working in Vietnmaese rutal primary schools to enhance the teaching of English as a Forgein Language.

Global Pedagogic Networks

This project was developing ideas around peace education as part of an Erasmus funded projects on peace education led by the EKD in Hanover and working with schools and Universities in five different European countries.

Epistemic Insight -

This project was exploring how young children see knowledge in different areas of the curriculum - is scientific knowing (epistomology) the same as historial or theological knowing? How do children see different forms of knowledge and how does this effect thier learning?

Culham St Gabriel's -

This project is looking at the use of technology, esp,. emergent technologies in the teaching of religious education in England (and wider). We are looking to develop a range of case studies for using technology in RE.

SEPA-360 -

This Erasmus+ project is exploring how 360 image and video can be used to enhance teaching and learning in Higher Education. Working with 4 countries across Europe we are developing a range of software and case studies.

Vietnam: Digital Hybrid Texts -

This British Council project explored the devleopment of e-books in Vietnam for use in primary and secondary schools. How these were used for teaching and learning and how these could be developed for wider use in socially deprived environments.

t-Mail -

This Erasmus+ project is exploring how Self-Directed learning can be taught via a mobile application and how this compares to 'normal' professional development. Working with countries across Europe this project is developing a mobile application which will impact on the nature of PD.

Mobile Technologies Transforming Teacher Education Pedagogy -

This Erasmus+ project is exploring how mobile technologies impact on teaching and learning. Using the tests iPAC framework as its theoretical framework it is exploring and developing a range of core resources for teachers and teacher trainers.

This project has general papers and conference presentations - see the publications page

The use of HandHeld Learning in Primary Classrooms

MMI is involved in a YgFL and UoH funded project on the use of Handhelds in Learning, This pilot project involves 5 primary schools using these technologies to develop learning in their schools.

This project has general papers and conference presentation - see the publications page

The impact of the English Baccalaureate (EB) plans on the teaching of RE

A survey of 800+ teachers, and a second survey on 2000 teachers; in the UK on their perceptions of how RE will be effected by the introduction of the EB with RE not being listed as one of the humanities subjects.

This report has been the major factor in the lobbying of parliament and other bodies.

The use of iPhones in the RE classroom

MMI is involved in a TDA funded project with the University of Hull looking at the use of mobile devices in the RE classroom and the link with teacher identity. Outcomes will include research papers and practice sessions on handheld devices and their uses.

A paper has been given at mLearn (2010) in Malta and produced publications

The use of resources

MMI is involved in the major investigation into the use of resource in the teaching of religions and in its contribution towards community cohesion. MMI is involved in the audit of resources and in the case studies of practice.

This research led to the publication of two books and a number of articles - see the publications section

An investigation perceptions on the future of RE and CPD

A survey of 400 teachers in the UK on their perceptions of how RE will develop into the future and on their desires for Professional Development.

The executive summary of the report (3 pages) was published in REsource in 2009 - see the publications section

An investigation into current use of ICT in RE in schools in the UK

A survey of 800 teachers in the UK on their use of ICT in RE

Click here for a copy of the report
Click here for a Powerpoint of the data analysis

A Think Tank of a pedagogy for RE and ICT

A group was gathered to investigate is a pedagogy for RE could be devised to ensure effective use of ICT that enhanced the teaching of RE using ICT.

Click here for a copy of the report

Interventions Studies

MMI was involved with research based on the use of ICT in schools by running a number of intervention studies that examine how ICT effects pedagogy in the RE classroom.

Click here for a copy of the report
