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"A beautifully balanced presentation on this new, exciting but also a bit frightening technology" (AREIAC/AULRE confercene attendee, Birmingham) "The perfect blend of theory, practical ideas, ethics and humour!" (Webinar of G-AI, Hull) "Thanks for coming into the school and running the science week - the children had fantastic fun and learned lots of science" (Spring Cottage Primary School, Hull) "Exciting presentations and activities - inspiring for this teaching of English to primary school pupils" (Seminr on Teaching English, Primary Teacher, Thailand) I just wanted to thank you once again for the excellent session you did for us last week. All participants found it very interesting and it has given us lots of ideas - I have already had requests for equipment so people can get started with some of the ideas. Once again many thanks" "I feel insprited to get out there and starting doing things in my own classroom - great ideas and reflections on learning" (Institute of Education) "Excellent session, full of useful ideas but also made us think about the reasons / concepts behind the ideas" (Edgehill University) "I didn't think university sessions were allowed to be that useful!" (Hull University) "Really, really useful" (Institute of Education) "A whirlwind of enthusiasm and ideas" (St.Gabriel's conference) "101 things to take away and do in the classroom tommorrow" (Edgehill University) "I feel re-energised to go back to my classroom" (Osiris delegate, 'Outstanding RE') "I wish this had been at the beginning of the year it's been so useful" (ITE student, UEA) "This will be incredibly useful for my advisory work" (East Midlands RE advisors) "One of the most useful and practical sessions of the year" (Edgehill University) "The best thing since Lat Blaylock!" (INSET on outstanding RE, Birmingham) "Excellent, Enjoyable, Enthusiastic and inspiring" (INSET on outstanding RE, Manchester) Thank you very much for today. We all enjoyed very much what you had to say and the very useful hints and advice that were passed on. And you were great fun! (Keith John, Eltham College, Junior School) "Paul offered 'a new idea every minute" (ITE student, London) "I found this a most stimulating and though provoking course and I will take away some very tangible ideas to discuss with SLT about ICT and our school's learning platform" (Birmingham) "I have gone away with lots of ideas" (Osiris Course, Birmingham) "Full of great ideas, needs to take a breath!! He has enthused me to push for a greater use of technology in our school" (Osiris Course, London) "Just a brief note to say how inspired your course has left me!!" (Dorothy Mead, Trinity Catholic School - Solihull) "Inspiring, passionate, personable for the subject obvious - very helpful - anecdotes very reliant and appropriate - really good!" (Osiris Course, Birmingham) "Just a brief note to say how inspired your course has left me!!" (Outstanding RE, Solihul) "My head has been buzzing with all sorts of ways to inspire and engage my students. Thank you for this inspiration; just the right timing too as we cling on to this long term and the build up to Christmas" (Dorothy Mead, Trinity Catholic School) "Thanks
for an inspirational and very motivational day" Average evaluation 3.9 (from 4) (INSET to G&T co-ordinators in Hounslow) "From tomorrow my classroom will be a different place" (Teacher, Cardinal Newman School, Luton) "Before
your course we were equipped with ICT now we are inspire to use it
" "Thank you for an inspirational day's INSET re RE/ICT" (Lizzie, Long Bennington Junior School) "Really inspiring, great to see someone so positive about the future" (Max, London:ICT2008) "It's always a good sign when you say 'where did the day go?'" (Kath, York:ICT2008) "Your session was both useful and entertaining and all thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Well resourced too.....we all enjoyed getting our hands on real and relevant materials!" (Newcastle University Tutor) “You just want to take him down the pub to talk to; you know you would have a lively and stimulating night’s conversation” (Junior School teacher, Lincolnshire) "The trainees were very positive- I want to repeat the day 2007/2008, thought it was excellent" (Francis Farell, Edgehill University) “He (Paul) has given us so much to think about – I have put new and interesting ideas into practice already in the classroom” (Junior School teacher, Lincolnshire) "I
really found your course exhilarating yesterday. Thank you for making
it hands on experience. You showed a lot of patience and it was nice
to be surrounded by people who wanted to help" "Absolutely
excellent, I'll be sharing these ideas with all my colleagues"
"This is the best day's INSET
we've ever had" "Most useful and practical
thing we've done as an INSET day" "Very inspiring and funny!"
"This will be really useful in my teaching" (ITE lectures) Average score on feedback 4.8 (from 5.0) (St. Gabriel's conference) |
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