Embedding RE in the secondary classroom

These downloads on this microsite are free for you to use in your school. If you use these in a public forum please make sure that you credit Paul Hopkins and that the expression ©Paul Hopkins appears on the slides, or that any existing copyright stays on the documents [©Paul Hopkins or ©RE Today]. Any questions / queries please mail. You may also like to read the pages on IPR and copyright.

Some of the key principles if embedding ICT is to enhance teaching and learning in RE. How do we find quality resource on-line and how do we, and our students, make decisions about this quality? Looking at PowerPoint as a vehicle for developing a range of quality resources for teaching and learning in RE. How do we plan in ICT to make sure that both teachers and learners can use ICT. How can we use ICT as part of our professional practice and as part of the ARR process. What was useful, or not useful about the session? What else would you like to have covered?

These pages give you a catalogue of links to a range of RE resource.

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