Wider Reading

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Below is some wider reading for the Learning and Teaching section of the course. You should look also at the sections of the website and the specific sections where you will find reading to both download and access. Also check the journal and research support section of the website.

Learning | Individual Needs | Assessment | Social Class | Equality and Diversity
Teacher-Pupil Relationship| Neuroscience | Learning Environment

  • Ausubel, D. (1968)  Educational  Psychology - A  cognitive  view,  New  York: Holt, Rinehart and  Winston  
  • Driver, R. (1983) The Pupil as Scientist?, Milton Keynes: Open University Press  
  • Driver, R and Bell, B (1985) "Student's thinking and the learning of science: A constructivist view"; School  Science  Review.  March  1986: 443-56
  • Gagne,  R.  M.  (1985)  The  Conditions of Learning and Theory of Institutions (4th edition), New   York:Holt, Rinehart and Winston  
  • Gagne, R.M and White R.T (1978) "Memory Structures and learning outcomes"; Review of   Educational  Research,  48:  187---222  
  • Gunstone, R.F and Northfield, J, R (1992) "Conceptutal change in teaching educatiuon: The cetrality of metacognition" Paper presented at the American Education Research Association, San Franscisco,  April  1992  
  • Pope, M. and Keen, T.R. (1981) Personal construct psychology and education. London.  Academic   Press
  • Riding, R.J. (2002)  School Learning and Cognitive Style, London: David Fulton Publishers
  • Riding, R.J. and  Rayner, S. (1998)  Cognitive Styles and Learning Strategies, London; David Fulton  Publishers
  • Rayner, S. and Riding,  R.J.  (1997) Towards a Categorisation of cognitive  styles  and  learning  styles,  Educational  Psychology,  17,  5-27
  • Riding, J.R. (1997)  On  the  nature  of  cognitive  style, Educational Psychology,  17,  29-49
  • Riding, R.J. and  Cheema, I.  (1991) Cognitive  styles - an overview and integration, Educational   Psychology,  72,  193-215  
  • Riding,  R.J., Glass, A.,  Butler, S.R. & Pleydell - Pearce,  C.W.  (1997) Cognitive  style  and  individual differences  in  EEG  alpha  during  information  processing,  Educational  Psychology,  17, 219-234  
  • Shayer,  M. and  Adey,  P.  (2002)  Learning  Intelligence,  Cognitive Acceleration Across  the  Curriculum from 5 to 15  Years, Milton  Keynes: OUP  
  • Shayer,  M. and Adey,  P. (1981)  Towards  a  Science  of  Science Teaching, London: Heinemann
  • Tennant,  M. (1988)  Psychology  and  Adult  Learning,  London:  Routledge  
  • Wittrock, M.C. (1974) "Learning as a generative process", Educational  Psychologist, 11, 87-95

see also the sections on Learning Theory, Learning Theorists and Neuroscience

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Individual  needs
  • Benton, P and O'Brien, T. (2000). Special Needs and the Beginning Teacher. London. Continuum
  • Cassell Freeman, J. (1998) Educating the Very Able: Current International Research London. HMSO
  • Csikszentmihalyi, M. et al (1993) Talented Teenagers, Cambridge. Cambridge University Press  
  • Davies,  A. (2004). The Credentials of Brain Based Learning. Journal of Philosophy of Education, Vol.   38,  No.1, 21-35 
  • Denton, C and Postlethwaite, K (1985) Able Children: Identifying Them in the Classroom. London. NFER-Nelson
  • Disability Rights Commission. (2002). Education for all: getting in, getting on or getting  nowhere?
  • Freeman,  J.  (1992) Gifted Children Growing Up Windsor.
  • HMI  (1977) Gifted Children in Middle and Comprehensive Schools London. HMSO
  • HMI  (1992) The Education of Very Able Children in Maintained Schools London. HMSO
  • Howe, M. (1990) The Origins of Exceptional Abilities Oxford: Basil  Blackwell
  • Kelly, N. and Norwich,  B. 2004. Perceptions of self and of labels: Moderate learning difficulties in  mainstream and special schools. British Journal of Educational  Psychology,  74,  411-435  
  • Mittler,  P. (2001). Working Towards Inclusive Education: Social Contexts. London. David  Fulton   Publishers  Ltd  
  • O'Brien, T and Guiney, D (2001), Differentiation  in  Teaching  and  Learning.  Principles  and  Practice.   London.  Continuum
  • Rabinow, P.  (Ed.) (1991). The Foucault Reader. London. Penguin Books Stakes, R. and Hornby,  G.  1997. Change in Special Education. London. Cassell  
  • Stakes, R. and Hornby, G. (2001) Meeting Special Needs in Mainstream Schools. London. David  Fulton   Publishers.
  • Thomas, G. and Loxley, A (2001). Deconstructing Special Education and Constructing Inclusion. Buckingham. Open University Press
  • Thomas, G (1993) Good  behaviour: A Review Times  Educational  Supplement, 11.6.93
  • Turner, G (1983) The Social World of the Comprehensive School, London. Croom Helm

see also the section on Inclusion / Individual Needs in the Learning and Teaching sessions

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  • Assessment Reform Group (1999) Assessment for Learning Beyond the black box.
  • Adey, P. and Shayer, M. (1994) Really Raising Standards, Cognitive intervention and academic achievement, London, Routledge
  • Black, P. and Wiliam, D. (1998) Assessment and classroom Learning. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy  and  Practice,  5(1),  pp  7-74.  
  • Black,  H.D.  &  Dockrell,  W.B.  (1984)    Criterion---referenced  Assessment  in  the  Classroom.  Edinburgh,   Scottish  Council  for  Research  in  Education.
  • Black, P. (1998) Testing: Friend or Foe? Theory and Practice of Assessment and Testing, London, The Falmer Press.
  • Black, P. and Wiliam, D. (1998) Inside the black box. Raising Standards through Classroom Assessment.  Phi Delta Kappan 80(2) pp 139-152.
  • Dearing Final Report (1993) The National Curriculum and its Assessment, London, SCAA
  • Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. (1995) Monitoring Education: indicators, quality and effectiveness, London, Cassell
  • Frith, D.S. and Macintosh, H.G.  (1989) A Teacher's GUide to Assessment, Stanley Thornes
  • Gipps, C. (1990) Assessment: A teacher's guide to the issues London, Hodder and Stoughton
  • Gipps, C. and Stobart, G. (1993) Assessment: A teacher's guide to the issues London, Hodder and   Stoughton
  • Gipps, C. and Murphy, P. (1994) A Fair Test? Assessment, Achievement and Equity, Milton Keynes, OUPress
  • Gipps, C. (1994) Beyond Testing: Towards a Theory of Educational Assessment, London, The Falmer Press
  • Jesson, D. (1996) Value added measures of school GCSE performance An investigation into the role of Key Stage 3 Assessments in Schools, London, HMSO
  • Kingdon, M. and Stobart, G. (1988) GCSE Examined, London, The Falmer Press
  • Murphy, P. (1991) Assessment and Gender, Cambridge Journal of Education, 21(2) pp 203-214
  • Novak, J.D. and Govin, D.B. (1984) Learning How to Learn, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
  • Nuttall, D. (1986) Assessing Educational Achievement, London, The Falmer Press
  • SCAA (1995) Consistency in Teacher Assessment Guidance for Schools
  • SCAA (1996) Key Stage 3 Assessment Arrangements
  • SCAA Value Added Indicators for Schools Consultative Paper: Secondary
  • Simpson, M (1985) Diagnostic assessment and its contribution to pupils learning. In Brown, S & Munn, P.,  (Eds) The Changing Face of Education  14-16: Curriculum and Assessment. London, NFER-Nelson.University
  • Tymms, P. and Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. (1990) A comparison of exam boards: A levels. Oxford Review of Education,  17(1),  pp  17-32
  • White, R and Gunstone, R. (1992) Probing Understanding, London, The Falmer Press

see also the section on Assessment in the Learning and Teaching sessions

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Social Class
  • Breen, R and Goldthorpe, J (2001) Class, Mobility and Merit: The Experience of Two British Birth  Cohorts, European Sociological Review, June, 2001
  • Gillborn, D and Mirza, H (2000), Educational Inequality .. a synthesis of research London. Ofsted
  • Gillborn, D and Youdell, D (2000) Rationing education: policy, practice, reform and equity  . Buckingham. Open University Press
  • Halsey, A.H., et al (ed),(1997) Education:culture, economy and  society. Oxford. Oxford University Press
  • Long, M (2000) The Psychology of education. Abingdon. Routledge
  • Lucey H., and Reay, D (2002) Carrying the beacon of excellence: social class differentiation and anxiety  at a time of transition, Journal of Education Policy, June 2002
  • Moore, A (2000), Teaching  and  Learning - Pedagogy, Curriculum and Culture, Abingdon, Routledge
  • Sullivan, A (2001) Cultural Capital and Educational Attainment, Sociology, November, 2001

see also the section on Social Class in the Learning and Teaching sessions

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Equality and Diversity
  • Arora, R.K. and Duncan, C.G.(Eds)(1986) Multi-cultural Education: Towards Good Practice, London, Routledge and Kegan Paul.
  • Brandt,  G.L. (1986) The Realization of Antiracist Teaching, London, Falmer Press
  • Craft, A and Bardell, G. (eds.)(1984) Curriculum Opportunities in a Multicultural Society, London, Harper  and  Row.
  • Chivers, T.S. (Ed) (1987) Race and Culture in Education, London, NFER-Nelson.
  • Cohen, L. and Cohen, E (Eds)(1986) Multi-cultural Education: a  source book for Teachers. London, Harper  and  Row.
  • Cole, M. (Ed) (1989) Education for Equality: some guidelines for good practice, London, Routledge.
  • Epstein, D. (1993) Changing Classroom Cultures: anti-racism, politics and schools, Stoke-on-Trent, Trentham  Books.
  • Foster,  P. (1990) Policy  and  Practice in Multicultural and Antiracist  Education, London Routledge.
  • Gaine, C.(1987) No Problem Here: a practical approach to education and race in all white schools, London, Hutchinson.
  • Gaine, C. (1995) Still No Problem Here,  Stoke-on-Trent, Trentham  Books
  • Gaine, C and George, R.   (1999)     Gender 'Race" and Class in Schooling: A new introduction, London. Falmer  Press
  • Gill, D. Mayor, B. and Blair, M.(Eds.)(1992) Racism and Education: Structures  and  Strategies, London, Sage.
  • Gillborn, D. and Gipps, C. (1996)  Recent Research on the Achievements of Ethnic Minority Pupils, Ofsted Reviews of Research, London, HMSO.
  • Gillborn,  D. (1995) Racism and Antiracism in Real Schools, Milton Keynes, Open University Press
  • King, A.S. and   Reiss, M.J. (1993) The Multi--cultural Dimension of the National Curriculum, London,  Falmer  Press.
  • Maitland, S. (1989) Multi-cultural Inset:A Practical Handbook for Teachers, Stoke-on-Trent,Trentham Books.
  • OfSTED (1999) Raising the Attainment of Minority Ethnic Pupils, www.ofsted.gov.uk/pubs/
  • Runnymede Trust (1993) Equality Assurance in Schools, Stoke-on-Trent, Trentham  Books.
  • Runnymede Trust (1994) Multi-ethnic Britain: Facts and Trends, London, Runnymede  Trust.
  • Saunders, M. (1982) Multicultural Teaching A Guide for the Classroom, London, McGraw-Hill.
  • Siraj-Blatchford, J and I. (Eds)(1995) Educating the Whole Child, Buckingham, Open  University  Press.
  • Swann, Lord (1985) Education for All: Final Report of the Committee of Enquiry into the Education of Children from Ethnic Minority Groups, Comnd 9453. London, HMSO.
  • Troyna, B. (1993) Racism and Education: Research Perspectives, Buckingham, Open University Press.
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Teacher - Pupil Relationships
  • Beadle, P., (2010) How to Teach. Carmarthen: Crown House
  • Briggs, S., (2001) Managing the learning Environment. Sited in: Middlewood, D. and Burton, N., 2001. Managing the curriculum. London: Paul Chapman
  • Burnett, P. C. (2001). Elementary students' preferences for teacher praise. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 36(1), 16-23
  • Cameron, J. (2001). Negative effects of reward on intrinsic motivation—a limited phenomenon: Comment on Deci, Koestner, and Ryan. Review of Educational Research, 71(1), 29–42
  • Haslett, B. T. (1976) Attitudes Towards Teachers as a Function of Student Academic Self Concept. Research in Higher Education, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp41-58, Springer
  • Klem, A.M. and Connell, J.P. (2004) Relationships matter: Linking teacher support to student engagement and achievement, Journal of School Health, 74(7), pp262-273
  • Rim-Kaufman, S. (2014) Improving Students' Relationships with Teachers to Provide Essential Supports for Learning [online], Washington: American Psychological Association - link
  • Murray, C. and Greenburg, M. T. (2000) Children’s Relationship With Teachers and Bonds With School: An Investigation of Patterns and Correlates in Middle School Childhood. Journal of Scvhool Psychology, Vol. 38, pp423-445
  • Pianta, R. C. (1999). Enhancing relationships: Between children and teachers. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
  • Williams, C. (1997) Managing motivation, Managing Schools Today, 6(9), pp28-30

see also the section on Neuroscience in the Learning and Teaching sessions

Learning Environment
  • Burden, P. R. (2003) Classroom management: Creating a successful learning community, New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc
  • Hastings, N. and Schwesio, J. (1995) ‘Tables and tasks: the effects on seating arrangements on task engagement in primary classrooms’, Educational Researcher, 37(3), (pp279 – 91.)
  • Higgins S., Hall E., Wall K., Woolner P., and McCaughey, C. (2005), 'The Impact of School Environments: A literature review', The Centre for Learning and Teaching, School of Education, Communication and Language Science, University of Newcastle. Accessed online on 30/12/13 at http://www.cfbt.com/PDF/91085.pdf.
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